martes, 2 de abril de 2019

Musical el Rey León

  • Autors:
Roger Allers i Irene Mecchi.
  • Autor lletra:
Tim Rice.
  • compositor música:
Elton John.
  • Estrena al teatre més versió al cinema:
Primer es va fer la pel·lícula homònima de Disney al 1994, i al 1997 es va estrenar el musical a Broadway.
Al 2011 es va fer el musical a Madrid.
Actualment es fa del 26 al 31 de març a Madrid
  • Argument:
Acte 1: neix Simba, fill del rei Mufasa. Scar, el germà del rei, vol prendre-l'hi el seu lloc com a rei assassinant al pare i al fill; cosa que aconsegueix, però Simba es salva, i fuig a una selva i coneix a Timón i Pumba. Allà es fa un adult.
Acte 2: Nala (amiga de simba), ja adulta escapa de les terres del regne, on en una selva troba a Simba. Allà el posa al tant de la situació del regne governat per el seu oncle. Junts decideixen tornar i acabar amb Scar, qui acaba assassinat per les hienes per trair-les.

«Hakuna Matata»:

Hakuna Matata
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing crazy

It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

When he was a young warthog
When I was a young warthog
(Very nice)
He found his aroma lacked a certa in appeal
He could clear the Savannah after every meal
I'm a sensitive soul though I seem thick-skinned
And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind
And, oh, the shame
He was ashmed
'Thoughta changin' my name
Oh, what's with the name?
And I got downhearted
How did you feel?
Ev'rytime that I...

Hakuna Matata
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing craze

It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

«circle of life»:

Nants’ ingonyama, bakithi, baba
Sithi hu ‘ngonyama, ingonyama
Ngonyama nengwe bo!
Nants’ ingonyama, bakithi babo
Sizo nqo’!

Ingonyama nengwe ’namabala
Ingonyama nengwe ’namabala
Ingonyama nengwe ’namabala
Ingonyama nengwe ’namabala

From the day we arrive on the planet
And, blinking, step into the sun
There's more to see than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done

There's far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round

It's the circle of life
(Balek’ ingonyam’i ya gale’!)
And it moves us all
(Ingonyama nengwe wema!)
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On a path unwinding
In the circle
The circle of life

It's the circle of life
(Balek’ ingonyam’i ya gale’!)
And it moves us all
(Ingonyama nengwe wema!)
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On a path unwinding
In the circle
The circle of life

Aquí estan les versions en musical:

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musicals treballats a classe